Parents against Divisive Racial content (pedagogy), forced Vaccinations and
forced Masking, in Las Cruces, NM K-12 Public Schools and New Mexico State University
In coordination with Coalition of Conservatives in Action (CCIA), https://conservativesinaction.org/.
Please go to CCIA site, and sign up for the mailing list for all the latest info on local Conservative activities
LATEST NEWS, 15 August 2022!! LCPS Principals (2 Mid-School) were recently (2022) sent to this course: The Math Identity Leadership Accelerator® (MILA™) program is funded by the Department of Education's SEED (Supporting Effective Educator Development) grant and is full through 2023. This three-year initiative developed and implemented by UnboundEd Learning Inc. is designed to provide educators with intensive professional development aimed at increasing student achievement in mathematics through not only math problem-solving strategies but by also addressing systemic racism and biases through culturally responsive instruction (CRI), with the end goal of producing a repeatable program that may be adopted by school districts nationwide. After the grant, we plan to add this offering to our repertoire of long-term programs for leaders.
We are the grassroots coalition of parents and concerned citizens who fought against the eventual passage of Policy JBC at Las Cruces Public Schools on May 18, 2021. Policy JBC, Equity and Excellence for All Students, and the CLR education endorsed by NM PED, contain disturbing and discriminatory content.
We STOPPED JBC's initial passage by the School Board on April 04, 2021; the School Board had to completely restart the Policy "reading" process. We fought valiantly but in the end fell short.
Our group is against Policy JBC because we read it. We researched Cultural and Linguistically Responsive (CLR) learning, we bought the training texts that LCPS purchased and analyzed the pedagogy’s worldview. We believe that it is racially discriminatory and is critical race theory in disguise. It is especially inappropriate and divisive for Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley, with our proud multi-cultural heritage. We have no problem with all history being taught, but victimhood and overt racism towards whites is unacceptable for minorities here.
Disturbingly, during this process we found out that LCPS had already installed CRT related pedagogy and teacher training, since January 2019 without most parents knowing this. It was then called "Cultural Proficiency."
Update on the Tuesday, May 18, 2021 Las Cruces Public School Board Meeting. Proposed Policy JBC, Equity and Excellence for all Students, was unfortunately passed 5-0. We had eloquent and passionate speakers against this policy based on facts, research and reason. The Board President halted all public comments at 40 minutes, we had a dozen more citizens who were not heard. It was in President Jaramillo's discretion to extend public comments, but he did not.
They passed it before they meaningfully presented the curriculum to the public. In the end I believe that it was a moral tug-of-war with our side trying to keep the "color-blind" dream of MLK in LCPS, and others pulling MLK out. We lost for now. Thank you to everyone who wrote letters, attended, spoke, supported, and researched Policy JBC, CLR and CRT. We sliced and diced Policy JBC to bits, the Board is on pins and needles now regarding their policies and procedures.
Our group was formed from a diverse group, including many Hispanic Conservatives who find this material is deeply offensive to minorities.

LCPS collaborates with “Teaching Tolerance”. This is from the Fall 2019 online feature "I Wish I Had Known" for new Social Justice Educators. Note that there is an LCPS Department titled Equity, Innovation and Social Justice, with vision statement: “promoting social justice and cultural diversity.”

This book The Blind Spot is recommended reading for LCPS Teachers. However, this is the book which popularized the Implicit Bias test, which once falslely claimed all whites were biased. The book has been thoroughly discredited. LCPS did not vet this teacher training resource for its discredited and discriminatory content, and teachers could be knowingly or unknowlingly passing this misinformation on to your children.

REGARDING the LCPS Public Schools and School Board: We're keeping the heat on "low boil" for now, but after the November elections the situation will be re-assessed.
IN SUMMARY: A GOOD TURNOUT (1/2 seats in audience filled), and 10 total speakers. Topics ranged from punitive Mask and Vaccine mandates, the science of COVID-19 vaccinations, critical race theory, the "Pledge to teach CRT" by Teresa Tenorio among others. Pat Pugh (hopefully I spelled correctly), the last speaker, gave stirring commentary and education on the deception of Critical Race Theory and its terminology, directly to the Board Members.
One Very Interesting Note: After most of us filed out after the Public Comments, the NEA speaker Denise Sheehan directly referenced our group, because of our questions we posed to the Union.
She spoke of our group in negative terms, a group of vocal people "speaking about things that don't matter too much, and that we left the meeting too soon for the real issues." Also interesting, she mentioned that the Union is in negotiation right now. But with Sylvia Bustillos (designated as NEA member) signing the "break the law to teach CRT pledge" with T. Tenorio, Supt. Ramos and LCPS may now have leverage with NEA at this time. Are they an appropriate Union for Las Cruces Teachers?
Mostly peaceful and calm except for one hiccup (not a member). We noticed that we had 3 NM State Police Officers in attendance, to include Cpt. Williams, who spoke at one our recent meetings. Next LCPS School Board Meeting is the 2nd Tuesday of October.
But focus and energy now needs to be on Electing our 3 School Board candidates (and 3 City Council).
Rick Reynaud, CCIA Operative
SYNOPSIS OF THE REGULAR LCPS SCHOOL BOARD MEETING!!! September 21, 2021, Tuesday 06:00 pm at the LCPS Board Chambers.

Teaching Tolerance online, now named Learning for Justice, is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. This is the troubling front page of the Spring 2021 online feature. LCPS collaborates with this organization for "Equity" training.